Friday 21 May 2010

and f*@k it i said!

I'm taking a break off DD. This "not losing any weight" business has really put me down, and I need a boost in my spirit and in return I will get my motivation and will power back.

I will take a break today and tomorrow. I wont binge or over do it, but I will eat like a normal person. I had a tiny bit of Victoria sponge cake, from a colleague's birthday cake. I am going out tomorrow, and I WILL indulge in mojitos. And on Sunday, DD aaaaaaall over again. Or maybe Monday lol Just kiddin!

I am not beating myself up for going off rails. On the contrary, I think it has lifted my spirits and will get me all pumped up all over again to "start" DD again, and hopefully come out of this "no weight loss" rut.

So that's it from me until Monday.

Have an amazing weekend.. I know I will ;)

stuck on 76.5 kg - pl (day 2)

I am getting really frustrated. I think I am doing everything right. I haven't even cheated once, and the scale just doesn't want to budge. I've felt like giving up so many times for the last week, my mood has changed completely and I am feeling really really frustrated.

I really don't know what to do. I started the Cruise Phase yesterday, added some veggies to my dinner, and had some tomatoes with my ham and Quark breakfast today. I hope this works cause I don't know how much longer I can hold on for :(

Thursday 20 May 2010

cruise phase - pl (day 1).. or not

I'm a creature of routine; I woke up this morning ready to step on the scale, and guess what.. NO SCALES! My lovely flatmate hid them in an attempt to stop us all (my, sister, her and me are on DD) from weighing ourselves! WE are all getting getting REALLY frustrated as the scales haven't been budging AT ALL!

I know I said I was not going to weigh myself everyday, only once a week, but as I am starting the Cruise Phase today I was hoping to keep a record of how much I weighed before starting PL.

I think my body needs a break from PP, and starting PL will probably get my metabolism all geared up again. So I have decided that other that officially starting the diet all over again, I will trick my self into believing that is what I am doing by spending 5 days doing PL. Isn't that really what the Cruise Phase is all about? Doing 5 days PP, which really is nothing more than an Attack Phase week without the label?

I've got a plan in place now, but I am a bit torn right now, don't know if I should finish this day as an attack or move on to cruise without knowing my current weight. Any thoughts?

Wednesday 19 May 2010

i think i need to start all over again

I am really disappointed with this week's weight loss. So I have thought about starting DD all over again and, with a few little teaks.

1. I will incorporate the oat bran. I did so well on the first week without it that I thought I could complete the attack and cruise phase without it. Obviously, BIG mistake.
2. I will prepare ALL my meals, well at least I will try to. This way I know exactly EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth.
3. 20min brisk walking every day A MUST

I have been reading Katrina Conquista's blog, and her journey on DD has been amazing. I feel so happy for her but so disappointed that my journey has not gone as well as hers. She has steadily lost weight, and I mean proper weight: 4 kg on the first week, 5 kg on the second, and between 1.5 kg and 2.5 kg on the other weeks. She has lost an amazing 35 kg! And she looks absolutely stunning!

I think everyone on the DD diet should check out her blog. Its packed with yummy recipes, and lots of tips for all of us trying to lose weight.

So back to my "starting all over again". This is only at the "thought" stages at the moment. I think I will sleep on it and see what the scales show tomorrow. And then I shall decide.

attack phase (day 12)

I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't resist it :(

Weigh-in: 76.4 kg
Down: NIL!
Total loss: 3.9 kg

I am not happy today, not happy at all. I was so good yesterday, apart from the M&S prawns (which don't really count as being super naughty). I took Kuma for a looooong walk, even played fetch with him. And guess what. The scales didn't appreciate my extra effort. Scales suck!

I have learnt my lesson, if you say your not gonna weigh yourself.. DON'T BLOODY WEIGH YOURSELF!

Tuesday 18 May 2010

attack phase (day 10 & 11)

I've decided I am going to stick to the Attack Phase for a wee bit longer. I am not feeling hungry, I am not feeling tired or weak, I am not really missing veggies that much, so what the hell, I'll just go ahead and do a few more attack days before I start Cruise Phase.

Monday 17/05/10 - ATTACK PHASE (DAY 10)
Weigh-in: 76.5 kg
Down: 0.3 kg
Total loss: 3.8 kg
I'm going to be honest, I haven't really been doing much exercise. I haven't even taken Kuma out for walks at night. I think if I did, I would most probably lose more weight. But then again 3.8 kg in 10 days?! I cant complaint. Just makes me wonder how much more i would have lost by now.

Tuesday 18/05/10 - ATTACK PHASE (DAY 11)
Weigh-in: 76.4 kg
Down: 0.1 kg
Total loss: 3.9 kg
I've been eating out quite a lot. Steaks from pubs, prawns with chili and coriander from M&S. To the eye this would seem harmless, but if you take a closer look you'll realise all this foods have been marinated in non-Dukan condiments such as sugar, oil, etc. I think I'm going to start cutting back a bit, and play it safe with my roast chicken, smoked salmon, cottage cheese and yogurt. And to know exactly what I am putting in my mouth, i will do my best to bring my packed lunch with me everyday to work.

I have quite a lot of weight to lose, so I will make an effort and take Kuma out every evening for at least 20mins. This can also be an experiment, to see how important the prescribed 20mins brisk walking is on the diet.

On another note, I think I am going to contradict Dr. Dukan. I don't think weighing yourself every day, even less every hour, is helpful. I fond it frustrating so I am ttherefore banned from weighing myself everyday and will cut it down to weighing myself once a week, and if I find that too hard to follow then I will weigh myself every 3 days.

And I leave you with a little photo of todays lunch.. yummy but I think a bit too much :)

M&S Hondurian Prawns with Chili & Coriander and a dolop of cottage cheese

friday dinner date with dr. pierre dukan

So on Friday after work we (work colleagues) all went to a Thai restaurant called Thai Thai to celebrate 2 of my colleague's birthdays. I was very adamant at the beginning because this would have been the first time I would have taken Dr Dukan out for dinner with me. So what did I do? I prepared myself. I checked out their website if found a starter and a main course that were Dukan friendly.

The hardest thing about dining out with Dr Dukan is not being able to have any alcohol. The restaurant had an amazing cocktail menu, that just watered my mouth. But I was lucky that 2 of the girls sitting next to me were not drinking.

The starters arrived...

Satay Chicken. Grilled chicken skewers with satay sauce on the side.
And then main course.. Weeping Tiger (grilled steak with chilli sauce)

So all in all dinner didn't go too bad. Actually it went quite well and I am very pleased that there were options on the menu that I could actually have without feeling guilty.

I also know that my food was probably marinated probably in stuff I wasn't allowed to eat (like sugar), but I also know that that wont be a reason to go off rails. At least I hope the scales wont think otherwise!